Alistair Wilson B.Sc.
Mr. Wilson is an acknowledged expert in the field of roof diagnostics and will provide consistent and correct analysis of the condition of the roofs . Mr. Wilson is a member of the Roof Consultants Institute completing the Advanced Roof Consulting Course in 1998. Mr. Wilson has been using the INFOROOF software for several years and has attended the training course.
Pat Carluccio. B. Tech.
Reporting to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Carluccio has been a field technician since 1996. Mr. Carluccio has been trained in the collection of information from die roof including correct measuring procedures and the implementation of core cut procedures. Mr. Carluccio also has extensive experience performing infra-red thennographic scans. Mr. Carluccio is accomplished with the INFOROOF roof management software.
Alan Wheeler
A resource person for the Ministry of Housing specializing in roofing for over twenty years, Mr. Wheeler brings considerable experience in the field of roofing diagnostics, data entry and project management to the facilities manager.